Mickey's Birthday,
The Birth of Celia,
Jamie's Engagement
Sunday, December 17 was an exciting day for the family,sort
of a tripleheader.
As people were milling about in a private room at the Standard Club in Atlanta
waiting to celebrate Mickey's 95th birthday, Ann Davis , the aunt of Emily
Sonenshine, came bursting into the room and announced that Emily's baby
had arrived early, Celia Mateil Greenberg, 4 pounds, 2 ounces stretched
out to 17.5 inches.
Emily's sister-in-law, Joanne Sonenshine, leaped
into the air and launched a round of cheer in the room for Celia, Emily
and dad Mark Greenberg.
Celia is named after Mark's paternal grand aunt, Celia Myman and Emily's
grandmother, Matiel Leffler.
There is a back story here. Mickey's party was moved up from January 31 to December 12th so that Emily could attend before her pregnancy travel ban went into effect. Celia had other plans, and was born in Atlanta instead of Columbia.
Mickey's party went on with words from Mickey and Stanley, the traditonal blowing out of the candles, the swirl of great grandchildren, and an extravagant brunch buffet.
All of Mickey's grandchildren and great grandchildren
were there.Among the 35 guests were out-of-towners brother Jack from San
Francisco, niece Carol from Denver, nephew Mark and niece Sheryl from Boston,
and nephew Barry and niece Flo from Charleston.
Mickey gives great grand Jacob a hug
Later in the day, word came through social media that Jamie Breibart and
Danny Hernadez had announced their engagement. The official announcement
date was Dec. 9 but it took a while to drift to Facebook.
Jamie is the daughter of Simona and Richard Breibart of Birmingham and Danny
is the son of Carmen and Edwin Hernandez of Raleigh,N.C. Jamie has a sister,
Jennifer, and a brother, Jeremy. Danny is in the middle of his brothers,
Ed and Paul.
Jamie and Danny have a home in Tampa, Fla.
and a beloved rescued dog, Sadie. Jamie is a sale rep for Essity, which
sells paper products, and Danny works for a medical communications company.
Jamie is a graduate of Auburn and Danny of Penn State.
Wedding plans are in the works.
Sidney also had an early birthday cake on the
table at the Standard Club, but only 4 days early.
And if all this wasn't enough excitement for the day, the power at the Atlanta
airport went out late in the afternoon for nine hours.
More pictures of Mickey's party are at:
One picture before the candles are blown out: Clockwise: Devin (cap) and
sister Tori, Adam with his son Dean, Mickey, Hazel, Samantha, Reese, Dylan.
Sheryl (seated), Kenneth. . Upper right, Sharon prepares the candles and Mickey
gets help from Dylan, Kenneth, Stanley and Samantha.
Sidney ready to blow out candles on his 89th birthday cake
Jamie and Danny in Tampa
Mark, Celia and Emily in Columbia
Pictures of all the great, great grandchildren
of Sam and Ida Breibart
are at:
Thanks to Jonathan, Jennifer, Emily, Rachel and
Barry for pictures
on these pages.